Melbourne’s Photobooth Beauty

Gabrielle, Photobooth, 14/6/2012

I was thrilled to discover this divine strip of photobooth photos while browsing other wordpress sites. Not only is Gabrielle Delacour, who is the author of the blog and subject of this strip, an afficionado of the booth but a Melbournite to boot. If you browse through her blog you will see a great example of the best of Melbourne style in her lovely retro inspired cossies.

A few words from Gabrielle to finish – I’ve always had my bob. From a young lass with a bowlcut of strawberry blonde to a black, angular cut as a late teen, and now a more sophisticated, sleeker darker brown version. I’ve dabbled in other styles briefly, growing it out just to cut it back once more. Nothing compares to a tapered neck-line, a perfectly shaped fringe and a graduated bob. I so totally agree, Gabrielle!

  1. So Melbourne! If she was in Sydney the bob would be blonde and she would have a dog-in a handbag. Cheers


    • ehpem said:

      Now I really must go to both places. We know from this blog that Melbourne is where the beauties are. But dogs in handbags? Awesome!


    • Cheers to you too. Thanks for your email links. Will reply to that properly soon (-ish.) x


  2. elmediat said:

    Where is Gabrielle Delacour’s blog ? Seems that it is not available to muggles. 🙂
    Are you sure this strip is not some timey whimey magic trick ? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Definitely timey-wimey, especially since the mysterious disappearance of the evidence she exists in this space time dimension, eh Joseph?


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