
There is no identification on the back of this small, standard sized photobooth photo. It came from the USA via Ebay, which makes me assume these are US Navy boys. I think it could come from pretty much any time from WW2, right up to the 1970s as this type of uniform seems to have changed little over that period. My one worry about designating the clothes US Navy kit, is that these collars do not have the stripes that are on all the other examples I can find online.

  1. ehpem said:

    Nice picture – they were having a good time. I wonder if they are merchant marine, or coast guard, or something like that.


    • I’d love to know. I wish they had a google search function that allowed you to upload photos and look for similarly attired people on all the web.


    • Wow. That is so cool. I had not idea that was possible. Thanks, I will have to try it. Interesting that one of the photos is from my blog but they give credit to a Doug Rickard. I need to look into that.


      • ehpem said:

        It is an interesting tool, though I am not sure it is very good at searching just for the image without some words to help narrow the field. Sometimes I get a lot of hits on something in my blog, or very specific searches, and I will do a bit of searching in return to see if one of my images has been used. Never have found one, but I think that might be partly because its not too good at searching.


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