Friends Found on Tumblr


USA 1966

The wonderful smiles on the faces of this couple prompted me to buy the above strip of photos. I wonder if they were newly together at this stage or just one of those rare couples whose joy in each other’s company never wanes?

I was thrilled to find another example of their togetherness on Tumblr (see below). I’d say this photo was taken some years after the first strip and they still look so happy!

PhotoboothSameCouple I Have

Photo from Tumblr.

  1. Paul J. Stam said:

    In the last photo they look not only happy with each other, but also content.


  2. ehpem said:

    Awesome to find them elsewhere like that! I am wondering if it is that much different time though. Surely that is the same background in both, it would seem to be the same booth. Is it likely it would be years apart in the same booth?


    • It is possible that it could be years apart in the same booth. There is one in chemical booth in Melbourne I have been going to for more than 15 years! It could just be the relative closeness to the lens in the second image, that makes me think it is a few years later.

      This is the second time I have found a familiar face on someone else’s blog or photostream. I freawuently find familiar faces that have been nicked from my blog, but that doesn’t count!!


      • ehpem said:

        After I posted that comment I looked at your video again and noticed how many of those booths had a very similar background to this one too, which made me realise it was not necessarily anything to do with one booth, but a feature of many. I suppose it might be a manufacturer identifier, the pleated background.


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