Not Sweet or Cute

I don’t much like it when elderly couples are characterised as ‘sweet’ or ‘cute’. I think it is patronising and condescending. It ignores the fact that older people are smart, experienced and tough. If they have maintained a relationship for long enough to be growing old together then they are patient, loving and tolerant as well.

This 1930s photobooth photo from the USA shows a couple that has lived well and survived. They appear to be dressed up for a special occasion or simply for a trip into town, which may have been a special occasion itself. They still have a sense of adventure and fun to have stopped, into what was a very recent invention, to have their photo taken. I like their matching granny glasses, her lace collar and beads.

They both have wonderful half smiles that make me feel that they were enjoying themselves and each others company.


  1. John said:

    I agree, it is disrespectful. My folks were married 64 years.


    • That is wonderful, John! I bet they would’ve hated being call sweet. My Ma and Fa will celebrate their 69th anniversary in September this year.

      Liked by 1 person

        • I think I miss calculated. They were married in 1957. Or is that right? I hate the iPad for comments, as I cannot see what I wrote previously.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. oglach said:

    Love the photo; I like your comment about people patronising the elderly even more. Really struck a nerve.


      • oglach said:

        No. I used to work as a paramedic. Some of the other medics were always using condescending terms with our older patients. They didn’t mean anything by it, but I thought it was disrespectful. I wouldn’t talk to a baby the way some of them talked to people old enough to be their mum or dad. Sorry for the rant! Told ya it touched a nerve!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sadly, I know others who used to be paramedics. It is such a tough job, the burnout rate is high. Thank your for you service to your community. We need to nurture and pay more to frontline workers like paramedics, firefighters and police.

          Liked by 1 person

          • oglach said:

            Thank you for your kind comment. Everyone involved in any kind of true public service knows going in that the pay is low. The cost to their personal lives is high, hence the burnout rate. This goes for teachers as well, sadly. But there are many rewards that you can’t put a price on.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Really terrific photo as there is so much to look at and speculate. Love that they are both wearing hats. I bet they had fun showing friends and family their photo talem with the new fangled photobooth!


      • Cate, are you based in New York? I love your series of photos that include the Golden Gate bridge. You seem to get around the States a lot, from your photos.


  4. This is one of my favorites! But then, I think that with nearly every post…. but, this is one of my favorites! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I agree! Old is fifteen years older than yourself. A fifteen year old thinks thirty is ancient. People should not consider age when they look at someone.

    Liked by 1 person

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