St Patrick’s Day


To celebrate the 17th March, I had plans to make my first St Patrick’s Day photobooth strip. Unfortunately my health was such that I was unable to drive as far as the nearest booth site in time, so here instead, are some Irish relatives of mine. Oh, and a pseudo booth strip on a green theme, below.

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

  1. Nakki Goranin said:

    Love the St. Paddy ‘s Day Green Strip!
    Hope you return to drink from the magical healing wells in Eire and Wales!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll do my best to get there, Nakki! Happy birthday to you. Do you have any Irish forbears? Must be an auspicious day to be born over there.


      • Nakki Goranin said:

        I don’t think I have any, but always felt if we have previous reincarnations, I was absolutely there!!! I spent 2 weeks in Dublin and never wanted to leave!!!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Inese. I wish it would but I have a progressive genetic condition. No cure, just have to live with it. I have some good days but am mostly confined to home.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Brett said:

    I didn’t see your St. Patrick’s Day gif until just now. Very clever and fun! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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