Danger Is Everywhere

David O’Doherty is an Irish comedian and author. He encourages silly people and children to dress up as one of his book characters, Docter Noel Zone, who is a Dangerologist. Docter Zone appears in the books Danger Is Everywhere, Danger Is Still Everywhere and Danger Really is Everywhere: School of Danger. Docter Zone has a pet stone named Dennis. I am not sure if the person above is a silly person or a child, or just plain childish.

The above person is going to see Mr O’Doherty at the Melbourne Comedy Festival later this week and is very excited about it.


Docter Noel Zone as illustrated by Chris Judge

  1. peersea said:

    I can confirm through knowing you that you’re both silly and childish. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. elmediat said:

    Living dangerously silly & full of childunderous anticipation. 🙂

    Childunderous: to be full of the thunderous excitement and joy of a child. example: Katherine is childunderous in her Photobooth cosplay.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love people who enjoy laughing and making others laugh.
    He seems like a very funny and friendly person who tries to take the best from every moment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so right! I met the author of the book at his comedy show on Sunday night. He was a lovely man. He does a lot of work with children and had some very funny anecdotes about that.

      Liked by 1 person

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