
Tag Archives: Marco Ferrari

I have written about Marco Ferrari and his photobooth art before. He is a passionate lover of this special genre of photography and I am a passionate lover of his work.

Marco uses his booth photos to create beautiful fine art prints. I am the proud owner of two examples. He doesn’t have his own booth in London, where he currently lives, so makes his art using public machines, some of which he maintains. When using booths he services, he can control exposure but, unlike other booth artists, he doesn’t control the timing of the photos. This not only leads to beautiful, spontaneous images but is a testament to his creativity and skill.

For him the booth is a safe environment for the subjects he wishes to photograph. Most of the people he works with are not used to posing for a photographer, so the closed, private environment of the booth allows the sitter to relax. This contributes to their ability to freely express themselves in the way they pose. Marco has an idea of what he wishes to achieve in a photo session, so directs the sitter from outside. When the photos are finished he shows them to the subject and suggests ways they could change or improve what they have done.

“I try not to direct too much because I don’t want the same photos from everyone. I try to capture their unique personality.”

I was very touched and excited when this original strip of photos arrived in the post as a gift from Marco. These are from one of the booths he maintains, so he was able to achieve the sepia tones by adjusting the developing chemicals. I love the poses he has chosen but I am especially enamoured with his wonderful, curly moustache.

If you have not already seen it, please read this post and check the links to Marco’s work.


The model in this print is Rebecca Vincent.

Last year, through setting up an Instagram account, I discovered the work of Italian photobooth artist Marco Ferrari. In addition to my fondness for photobooths, I have a fondness for tattoo art*, so finding Marco’s work was very exciting. After madly “hearting” the many examples of his work I found there, I was thrilled to discover that he had items for sale.

Above is a scan of one of his 8 X 10 prints from his, as yet unfinished, art project Inked. This series of portraits of people with elaborate and beautiful tattoos, is designed to explore the relationship they have with the art they wear on their skin everyday. This image is printed on textured, heavy weight Hahnemühle German etching paper. It is visually and texturally beautiful.

I have two of Marco’s works in my collection which I hope to frame soon. If you would like to see more of his photobooth work, which includes self portraits, portraits of photographers in photobooths and other projects, some more examples and the links to his sites are below.

* My only foray into any indelible inking of my own skin resulted in a tiny heart-shaped flower on my left ankle, nausea, and a fainting spell, which was nicely followed up by a three day migraine. I was unaware at the time, that I had Ehlers Danlos Syndrome but my reaction to the procedure is not at all out of character for the illness. Needless to say, I still have only the one tiny tattoo.


Unplanned – London (2013)

Marco’s website is and his online shop can be found at

Marco Ferrari – Self Portrait

Photobooth artist Marco Ferrari has work featured in the book  Photomaton by Raynal Pellicer. Only a limited amount of his photography is shown there, so it was a great discovery when I found an abundance of his pictures on Instagram. Marco works with many different analogue cameras, (Go Analogue, Digital Is Dead is his motto), but his greatest passion is making work in photobooths. He has his own colour booth in Italy, but as he is now based in the UK, he needs to look outside his studio to make his booth images. In an ongoing project, Inked, Marco uses public, black and white photobooths to create stunning portraits of people and their body art. Marco loves photobooths so much, he even commissioned a tattoo of one. (See the bottom of this post.)


You can read more about Marco’s work on the My Cheap Camera blog by clicking here. If you click here, you will see a large collection of his photobooth, photographic explorations. Finally, if you would like to purchase any of his work, he sells beautiful prints of his favourite images at Big Cartel, here.

